Your All-in-One Passport to Job Success!

From crafting the perfect resume to acing your interviews, JobKitPlus is the only toolkit you'll ever need. Join today and turn your job search into a job found!

Turn your skills into a compelling narrative with our dynamic CV Generator, expertly tailoring your CV to the jobs you desire.

product feature screenshot

The hassle of creating different resumes to match job applications needs to end. I feel like with JobKit+ I will finally be able to get this done in little or no time. Can’t wait lol.


Breeze through the job application process.

Experience a seamless journey to success - our platform is designed to make your job search journey as smooth and hassle-free as possible

ATS friendly CVs

Get an easily scannable ATS CV

Experience the ease of crafting a fully ATS-optimised resume in a few clicks. JobKit+ creates multiple tailored and metrics-driven CVs for you, focused on what skills and history recruiters really look for.

Track applications

Stay on top of your applications

JobKit+ helps you keep all your applications organised and in one place. No more forgetting which job you applied for, now you can follow up with recruiters easily.

Career summary

Career Analytics and breakdown

Make informed career decisions. JobKit+ gives you salary projections across various job roles, alternative job titles to explore, trendy skillsets to enhance your expertise, and a clear career pathway for advancement.

Interview Preparation

Prepare for your interviews

Cut down on interview prep hours and free up your schedule by using JobKit+—your shortcut to effective interview readiness.

Helping many land their dream roles

“I’ve always wanted to simplify my job application process, because the idea of having to write different résumés, tailored to each job every time was time consuming and draining. Now with Jobkit+, I can do so much in no time. ”


“The hassle of creating different resumes to match job applications needs to end. I feel like with JobKit+ I will finally be able to get this done in little or no time. Can’t wait lol.”


“Preparing for interviews always takes a lot of work and finding a partner to practice with is a hassle. I am excited about using a tool that makes it easier for me to be more prepared, confident and comfortable while interviewing.”


“JobKit+ is a one-stop-shop for all your job application needs. The ability to create multiple resumes and cover letters tailored to different positions saved me so much time. The recruiter email generator is also a great addition. Highly recommend!”

#UI/UX Designer

Get your dream job with ease.

Imagine the feeling of walking into your dream job with confidence, knowing you've got the right tools and resources at your disposal. With JobKit+, it's not just an imagination – it's reality.