How to optimize your CV for an ATS

Chiamaka Okwara
August 21, 2023
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How to optimize your CV for an ATS

In today's digital job market, the influx of online applications has overwhelmed companies. When you submit a job application, it often enters an Applicant Tracking System (ATS). This software manages applications to prevent oversights, automatically arranging and categorizing CVs. An ATS-optimized CV benefits recruiters and HR by swiftly identifying top candidates. For you, it ensures your CV reaches the right audience.

If you are worried about getting your CV past the ATS, don’t be. Follow these simple tips for an ATS-friendly CV, and you’ll create a CV that impresses the hiring manager and passes through the ATS with ease.

  1. Strategic Keyword Integration: Tailor your CV by incorporating keywords from the job description. Include company name, job title, and industry-specific terms. Place keywords in the "Summary," "Education," "Experience," and "Skills" sections. Maintain correct spelling and avoid unnecessary abbreviations.

  2. File Format Matters: While PDFs maintain formatting, they aren't universally ATS-friendly. If a PDF upload is specified, use it; otherwise, submit a Word document or plain text to avoid compatibility issues.

  3. Balance ATS and Human Appeal: Strike a balance between ATS keyword optimization and human readability. Recruiters review CVs post-ATS, so honesty and clarity matter. Avoid keyword stuffing; make sure your content resonates with both systems and human reviewers.

  4. Simple Design and Clarity: A clean, straightforward CV design is easier for ATS to parse and for recruiters to skim. Complex formats, images, graphs, and tables can hinder ATS understanding.

  5. Personalization and Quality: Craft a unique CV, distinct from generic templates. Edit thoroughly for grammar, spelling, and clarity. Avoid buzzwords, focusing instead on meaningful content that showcases your skills.

  6. Content Over Creativity: Bullet points effectively highlight achievements. Use simple symbols like circles or squares, avoiding complex symbols that could confuse ATS systems or human readers.

  7. Contact Information Placement: Put contact details in the CV body, not headers or footers. ATS might overlook information placed outside the main content area.

Many recruiters still prefer to go through every application entered into their applicant tracking system. In most cases, they only take a quick look at your past accomplishments, job titles, and companies you have worked for. Within six seconds, they have already decided whether they want to know more about you or not. Therefore, your key skills and qualifications must be visible and easy to identify. 

How can you sell yourself in six seconds or less? With a CV that’s generated with JobKit+; an app that creates as many ATS-friendly and tailored CVs as you need.

Remember, an ATS-optimized CV increases your chances of passing the initial screening and getting noticed by recruiters. By aligning your content with both automated systems and human reviewers, you can enhance your job application's effectiveness.

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