Crafting Captivating Cover Letters: Dos and Don'ts for Success

Chiamaka Okwara
August 21, 2023
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Crafting Captivating Cover Letters: Dos and Don'ts for Success

Are you struggling with striking the right balance between being professional and engaging in your cover letter? A well-crafted cover letter is your chance to showcase your skills, highlight your qualifications, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position. 


  1. Personalize your letter: Tailor your cover letter to the specific company and position you are applying for. Address it to the hiring manager by name, and highlight how your skills align with the company's values and goals.

  2. Grab attention with a compelling opening: Begin your cover letter with a captivating and personalized introduction. Hook the reader by sharing a notable achievement, or a compelling reason why you are interested in the position.

  3. Highlight your accomplishments: Instead of reiterating your resume, focus on sharing specific achievements and experiences that demonstrate your qualifications for the role.


  1. Avoid generic templates: Steer clear of using generic cover letter templates that lack personalization. Recruiters can spot a generic letter from a mile away, and it may give the impression that you are not genuinely interested in the position.

  2. Don't restate your resume: Your cover letter should complement your resume, not duplicate it. Focus on elaborating on relevant experiences, skills, and accomplishments that are not extensively covered in your resume.

  3. Keep it concise: While it's essential to provide sufficient information, avoid making your cover letter too lengthy. Aim for a maximum of one page and keep your paragraphs concise and focused. Be mindful of the reader's time and make every word count.

Writing an engaging cover letter requires a careful balance of professionalism, personalization, and enthusiasm. By following these dos and don'ts, you can create a compelling cover letter that captivates employers and increases your chances of landing your desired job.

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